Eran Elhaik, Ph.D.
Population, medical, and evolutionary genomics

Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden (Academic page, Group page).

News Funding history Reviewership roles Contact

Microarray design


The GenoChip: A New Tool for Genetic Anthropology
Genome Biology and Evolution 2013

The Diversity of REcent and Ancient huMan (DREAM): a new microarray. Genome Biology and Evolution 2017

e.elhaik at gmail dot com

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


A "Wear and Tear" Hypothesis to Explain Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Frontiers in Neurology 2016

Neonatal circumcision and prematurity are associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2018

The Genetics of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome—Towards a Gene Reference Resource
Genes 2021

Microbiome & Forensics


Cartography of opportunistic pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in a tertiary hospital environment
Nature Medicine 2020

The impact of cross-kingdom molecular forensics on genetic privacy.
Microbiome 2021

A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance.
Cell 2021

Population- & Paleo-genetics


Geographic population structure analysis of worldwide human populations infers their biogeographical origins.
Nature Communications 2014

Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to primeval villages in the ancient Iranian lands of Ashkenaz.
Genome Biology and Evolution 2016

Temporal population structure, a genetic dating method for ancient Eurasian genomes from the past 10,000 years.
Cell Reports Methods 2022

Disorders & Infectious diseases


Interplay between human STING genotype and bacterial NADase activity regulates inter-individual disease variability
Nature Communications 2023

Systems biology analysis of human genomes points to key pathways conferring spina bifida risk
PNAS 2021

Rare variant burden analysis within enhancers identifies CAV1 as an ALS risk gene.
Cell Reports 2020

Genome Organization


The genome sequence of Taurine Cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Science 2009

Functional and evolutionary insights from the genomes of three parasitoid nasonia species.
Science 2010

A Comparative Study and a Phylogenetic Exploration of the Compositional Architectures of Mammalian Nuclear Genomes.
PloS Computational Biology 2014

Molecular Evolution


The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.
Science 2006

Insights into social insects from the genome of the honeybee Apis mellifera.
Nature 2006

The genome of the model beetle and pest Tribolium castaneum.
Nature 2006

Coming up:


1/1/25: New Preprint: published in bioRxiv by Amos and Elhaik
         Unexpected D-tour Ahead: Why the D-Statistic, applied to Humans, Measures Mutation Rate Variation not Neanderthal Introgression

28/10/24: Interviewed to BBC Sheffield on Black Awareness Month.
          Racism and improving healthcare of minorities

14/10/24: New paper: published in Leukemia by Tang et al.
         Functional variant rs9344 at 11q13.3 regulates CCND1 expression in multiple myeloma with t(11;14)

7/10/24: New paper: published in Genome Biology and Evolution by Zhang et al.
         Microbiome Geographic Population Structure (mGPS) Detects Fine-Scale Geography

15/8/24: Speaker at the The 8th Annual Conference of the Metagenomics and Metadesign of Subways and Urban Biomes (MetaSUB), Tokyo, Japan.
          Leveraging MetaSUB Data for Advancements in Microbial Forensic Applications.

3/6/24: Keynote speaker at the sixth Functional Metagenomics Conference of the International Society for Functional Metagenomics, Skukuza, South Africa.
          Creating a fine-scale AntiMicrobial Resistance genes transfer maps.

12/2/24: Speaking to Middle School students in a Swedish school, Lund, Sweden.
          Human origins from Africans to the Vikings.

9/12/23: New Preprint: published in BioRxiv by Mohseni and Elhaik
         MORPHIX: Resolving sample identification bias in morphometrics analysis with a supervised machine learning package

22/9/23: New paper: published in Frontiers in Microbiology by Zhang et al.
         The microbial biodiversity at the archeological site of Tel Megiddo (Israel)

5/8/23: New paper: published in Disease Models and Mechanisms by Eachus et al.
         Glucocorticoid Receptor regulates protein chaperone, circadian clock and affective disorder genes in the zebrafish brain

7/7/23: New paper: published in Nature communications by Movert et al.
         Interplay between human STING genotype and bacterial NADase activity regulates inter-individual disease variability

11/5/23: New paper: published in Genetics in Medicine Open by Koleilat et al.
         Disparity in the detection of chromosome 15 centromere in patients of African ancestry with a plasma cell neoplasm

14/3/23: Speaking at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)'s Seminar, Berlin, Germany.
          Fine-scale, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Gene Transfer Maps.

13/3/23: Principal Component Analyses (PCA)-criticism published in Scientific Reports by Elhaik
         Reached top #10 most-downloaded Scientific Reports papers in 2022

11/3/23: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Ancient DNA Analysis Reconstructs Legacy of the Biblical Levites

22/2/23: New popular science article: published in Medium by Elhaik
         Unearthing Biblical Ashkenaz, the motherland of Ashkenazic Jewry and Yiddish

24/1/23: New popular science article: published in Medium by Elhaik
         Rabi PCA can convert anyone to Judaism — for Free

13/1/23: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Are You Related To An Ancient VIP?

30/11/22: Speaking at the Lund University Bioinformatics Infrastructure (LUBI) Seminar, Lund, Sweden.
          In search of Viking origins: tackling the big WHEN and WHERE questions.

19/11/22: Speaking at the 7th MetaSUB conference, Lund, Sweden.
          Fine-scale, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Gene Transfer Maps.

20/10/22: New paper: published in iScience by Ryon et al.
         A history of the MetaSUB consortium: Tracking urban microbes around the globe

7/9/22: New popular science article: published in The Conversation by Elhaik
         Radiocarbon dating only works half the time – we may have found the solution

5/9/22: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Senator Warren’s Mishap Proves the Importance of Reliable Genetic Ancestry Tests

1/9/22: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Conclusions About Ancient Populations May be Drastically Wrong Due to Dodgy Method

29/8/22: New paper: published in Scientific Reports by Elhaik.
         Principal Component Analyses (PCA)-based findings in population genetic studies are highly biased and must be reevaluated

23/8/22: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Successfully Dating a Mummy Just Got Easier. New Testing Revealed

22/8/22: New paper: published in Cell Reports Methods by Behhnamian et al.
         Temporal population structure, a genetic dating method for ancient Eurasian genomes from the past 10,000 years

18/1/22: New paper: published in Neuron by Zhang et al.
         Genome-wide identification of the genetic basis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

19/12/21: Speaking at the Ancient Origins Webinar, Online.
          From Adam to Jesus: New findings as to the origin of the Israelite tribes

16/12/21: New paper: published in PNAS by Aguiar-Pulido et al.
         Systems Biology Analysis of Human Genomes Points to Key Pathways Conferring Spina Bifida Risk

13/10/21: New paper: published in the Journal of Biomolecular Techniques (JBT) by Moore et al.
         Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Myriad Other Applications

27/5/21: New paper: published in Cell by Danko et al.
         A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance.

21/5/21: New paper: published in Microbiome by Elhaik et al.
         The impact of cross-kingdom molecular forensics on genetic privacy.

19/5/21: New paper: published in BMC Genomics by Carress, Lawson, and Elhaik
         Population genetic considerations for using biobanks as international resources in the pandemic era and beyond.

13/4/21: New manuscript: published in bioRxiv by Elhaik
         Why most Principal Component Analyses (PCA) in population genetic studies are wrong

5/4/21: New paper: published in Genes by Elhaik and Graur
         On the Unfounded Enthusiasm for Soft Selective Sweeps III: The Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm That Isn't.

3/3/21: Speaking at the AI Lund lunch seminar, Lund, Sweden.
          Answering the big WHEN and WHERE questions in paleogenomics with machine learning.

25/2/21: New paper: published in The Lancet Microbe by Afshinnekoo et al.
         COVID-19 drug practices risk antimicrobial resistance evolution.

2/2/21: New paper: published in Genes by Johannsen et al.
         The Genetics of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome—Towards a Gene Reference Resource.

7/1/21: New paper: published in frontiers in Microbiology by Robinson et al.
         Forensic applications of microbiomics: a review.

1/1/21: Dr. Elhaik received Docentship at Lund University, Sweden.

19/12/20: Speaking at the Ancient Origins Webinar, Online.
          Are You Related to a Viking, Egyptian, Paleo American, or Biblical Israelite?

1/12/20: Docent lecture, Lund, Sweden.
          Uncovering the genetic basis of disease and the quest for personalized medicine.

1/12/20: New paper: published in Cell Reports by Cooper-Knock et al.
         Rare variant burden analysis within enhancers identifies CAV1 as an ALS risk gene.

11/10/20: New paper: published in NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics by Freeman et al.
         aYChr-DB: a database of ancient human Y haplogroups

4/8/20: New book (contribution): By L.S. Santos (in collaboration with Dr. Elhaik)
         O Cearense Revelado: uma jornada via DNA desvenda nossa ancestralidade (Cearense Revealed: a journey via DNA unveils our ancestry)

22/7/20: New paper: published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings by Baughn et al.
         Targeting TMPRSS2 in SARS-CoV-2 infection

18/2/20: New paper: published in Blood Cancer Journal by Baughn et al.
         The CCND1 870G risk allele is enriched in individuals of African ancestry with plasma cell dyscrasias.

2/12/20: New manuscript: published in by Mason-Buck et al.
         DNA Based Methods in Intelligence - Moving Towards Metagenomics

8/6/20: New paper: published in Nature Medicine by Chng et al.
         Cartography of opportunistic pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in a tertiary hospital environment.

6/2/20: Invited speaker at the GeoGenetics Center, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
          Settling the When and Where questions in Paleogenomics.

21/11/19: Speaking at the Molecular Cell Biology group Tandem talk 2019, Lund, Sweden.
          A genomic dating tool for ancient genomes resolves the origins of hundreds of Eurasian genomes.

13/11/19: Invited session chair to the Genomic Medicine 2019 Nordic conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

7/11/19: Speaking at the Molecular Ecology and Evolution group seminar 2019, Lund, Sweden.
          From ancient DNA to ancient Empires using ancient GPS.

2/11/19: New manuscript: published in bioRxiv by Esposito et al.
         A genomic dating tool for ancient genomes resolves the origins of hundreds of Eurasian genomes

26/10/19: New paper: published in Applied Cancer Research by the GE4GAC group and colleagues.
         Genomics and epidemiology for gastric adenocarcinomas (GE4GAC): a Brazilian initiative to study gastric cancer

14/10/19: Dr. Elhaik was appointed a Associate Professor at Lund University, Sweden.

20/9/19: Invited speaker at the Royal Statistical Society North Eastern Local Group meeting, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
          From Lost Empires to Modern Cities with TPS and ancient GPS

1/9/19: Invited speaker at the COST Charme Istanbul Summer Training School, Istanbul, Turkey.
          Why all PCA in population genetics are likely wrong?

30/8/19: Speaking at the MetaSUB Meeting 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
          Microbiome predicts geography on a global scale.

26/7/19: New manuscript: published in bioRxiv by Eachus et al.
         Regulation of neuron-specific gene transcription by stress hormone signalling requires synaptic activity in zebrafish

24/6/19: Speaking at the Yorkshire Universities Evolutionary Group Meeting 2019, York, UK.
          From ancient DNA to ancient cities in 5 seconds.

18/6/19: New popular science article: published in Ancient Origins by Elhaik
         Resurrecting the Ancient Israelites From the Valley of Dry Bones

8/6/19: Speaking on BBC Radio Sheffield on ancient DNA testing and identity.

Funding history:

Uninterrupted funding from multiple funders in the US, UK, and Sweden during the past 10 years (only large grants that provided cash (>$15,000), not studentships are listed):

Sweden (Overall 2020-2024: 54,000,000 SEK or $5,500,000)
2024-2025 (274,200 SEK) SLU GroGrund, multiple PI.
2024-2026 (1,200,000 SEK) eSSENCE@LU. Co-PI
2024-2026 (366,000 SEK) Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation. PI
2024-2026 (900,000 SEK) Carl Tryggers, PI
2024-2028 (7,500,000 SEK) Lund University, Co-coordinator.
2024-2024 (250,000 SEK) MERGE-BECC, Co-PI.
2023-2027 (€300,000) Horizons Europe (PhD student), PI.
2023-2027 ($2,000,000) NIH, Collaborator.
2021-2025 (5,600,000 SEK) VR, PI.
2021-2022 (260,000 SEK) Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation. PI
2020-2024 (12,000,000 SEK) SLU GroGrund, multiple PI.
2020-2021 (500,000 SEK) Crafoord Foundation, PI
2020-2022 ($241,000) NSF, Collaborator

UK (Overall 2014-2019: £1,470,000 or ~$2,250,000)
2018-2019 (£428,000), UK MRC, PI.
2017-2018 ($100,000), Industry, PI
2015-2017 ($150,000), US NSF, co-PI
2016-2017 (£43,000), UK MRC, PI
2015-2019 (£300,000), UK BBRC (PhD stduent), co-PI
2015-2019 (£300,000), The Grantham Foundation (PhD stduent), co-PI
2015-2016 ($252,000), Industry, PI
2014-2016 (£12,000), UK Royal Society, PI

US (Overall 2013: $72,000)
2013-2014 ($72,500), National Geographic Society, PI

All funders:

Editorial and reviewership roles:

Manuscript reviewer Grant reviewer
Genome Research
Molecular Biology and Evolution
ISMB Proceedings
Sceitnific Reports
European Journal of Human Genetics
Genome Biology and Evolution
Frontiers in Microbiology
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
BMC Evolutionary Biology
Human Genetics
International Journal of Legal Medicine
PLoS One
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Journal of Heredity
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Medical Principles and Practice
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Brain Sciences
Advances in Anthropology
Behavioral Sciences
The application of clinical genetics
British Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Medical Research Council (MRC)
The German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
The Netherlands Organisation for Health

Contact details:

Mail Address: Lund University, Department of Biology, Sölvegatan 37, 223 62 Lund, Sweden

Email Address: e.elhaik at gmail dot com

Social networks:            Follow me on

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